Contact Us
Spread Our Wings
The Old Mill
Brookend Street
Call: 01989 763388
Email: info@enviroability.org.uk
Our Location
Quick Enquiry
If you would like to make a donation towards the Spread Our Wings birdseed project, you can do so via PayPal link below or cheque. Please make cheques payable to EnviroAbility and drop in or post post to: The Old Mill, Brookend Street, Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7EG.
Spread Our Wings is a community project set up to help local disabled and disadvantaged people to get out and about and into the workplace. It was the enthusiasm/determination of Harvey Sayce, age 23 years, who started up Feathered Friends 5 years ago, buying in bird seed, bagging it up and selling it at local farmers markets.